Thursday 10 May 2012

DVD cover

Here it is guys — the cover for our project... took a little longer than I'd hoped because of the slightly difficult composition of the image, but hopefully it was worth the trouble!

Looked a lot at the designs for some Toy Story 3 DVD cases for inspiration — particularly with the screenshots on the back!

Approved and finalised as of 10/05/2012, however if there are any additional changes you'd like me to make now is the time to say!

Just realised this is the version without the stars on the review — my bad! Will fix that!

Expect a big production update post soon...

Tuesday 8 May 2012

This Weeks' Plan

Alright guys we've finally reached the last week of this project. Not bad eh fellas? ;P So to make sure we get everything done on time I'm going to note here what the newest deadlines are:


Wednesday: DVD finished and Burned

Thursday: Treatment work (polishing)

Friday: Treatment finished and Portfolio assembled (this means gathering all of our contributions for the portfolio)

Saturday: Portfolio Finished

Sunday: Individual Sketchbook work



Sorry to emphasise that last one but I want to express how scary it is. Now of course the Portfolio requires contribution from all of us. So things like Storyboard, Script, Character Model Sheets and Background Design.

I think all of the research that went towards these main points needs to be evident in the individuals' sketchbook. So all of the tests and such need to be there in your scrappy pages :]

If I missed anything give me a shout.

See you all tomorrow in GO1 at 10am.

Monday 7 May 2012

Refined/presentational storyboard

Hello chaps!

Here's the presentational storyboard thus far. It's simple, but hopefully does the job...

I knocked it together without knowing entirely what Sam had in mind for the sound (particularly on the new opening) so it's a bit of a vague guesstimation and by no means reflective of how the final thing will end up. I can still tweak it as necessary, of course, so if there's anything you'd like me to modify please let me know!

All credit to Jazzy for the lovely artwork of course. I just compiled it. :]

Happy trails!


Friday 4 May 2012

Production update 04/05/2012

Production update 04/05/2012

Just a quick update to record progress so far! All of the completed scenes have been assembled and passed on to Sam, who's cracking on with the editing process.

Scenes 01 and 21 were not submitted to us so they will not be appearing in the final animation. We've spoken to Andy and he said it would be best just to replace any missing elements with the corresponding sections from the animatic.

Whilst that's underway, Jazzy and I are going to crack on with the treatment and DVD designs. We're shooting to burn the DVD on Wednesday and hopefully drop off the treatment for printing as well — not entirely sure how long it will take, so we want to allow at least a couple of days to ensure it gets done on time!

We're well ahead so far guys, keep up the pace! Next meeting in G01 at 10am on Monday 07/05 to discuss progress from here. This next week will mostly be all the jolly exciting paperwork stuff — portfolios and sketchbooks and the like. We'll establish exactly what we need from everybody come Wednesday when the disc is burned and finished.

Any further questions just let me know.

Keep it up everyone!


Tuesday 1 May 2012

Production update

Hi guys,

I realise things have been a little quiet on the producing front; we've all (hopefully) been busy animating away. The project is nearing completion, with just over a week to go before the deadline. I'm growing concerned at the list of tasks that still needs to be done, and we really need to start paying attention to the post-production stage. I am therefore proposing a deadline for all scenes to be sent to me so that we can begin post-production and focus on portfolios.

All scenes must be submitted to us by Thursday at 11am regardless of state. The time for tweaking is now, any final amendments must be done before Thursday. Post production must begin on this date and we need to aim for the DVD to be burned and finalised by next Wednesday at the absolute latest.

Here is a list of all outstanding work/tasks to be completed:
  • Scarecrow puppet for the new opening shot (Jae)
  • Chase scene (Sam + Alex)
  • Lighting on the completed shots [low priority] (All)
  • Scarecrow running shot (Jae + Alex)
  • Closing shots — crow landing on arm (Jazzy, Alex + Jae), crop field pans (Jae), sunset shot (Jae)
  • Preparation of portfolio 
  • Presentational storyboard 
  • Treatment
  • DVD cover and disc designs
Please have all of your scenes (in uncompressed Quicktime format) ready on a thumb drive for Thursday. Alternatively, please email them to me. I would also like copies of the After Effects files for each scene if possible, for the data disc.

Jae, I will need you to send me the After Effects file for the scarecrow's running scene so I can add in the crow. Please email this to me as soon as possible today or tomorrow morning at the very latest.

Any questions or problems please let me know.


Wednesday 25 April 2012

Scene 11 With Scarecrow V1 & V2

Hey hey guys! Okay, I've finally began animating the scarecrow in this scene and I've noticed alex keeps changing the way thc crow is moving (not saying thats a bad thing as the crow looks better now) but the crow in these versions will need replacing. Okay, I have 2 versions, both with a slight change on how the scarecrow enters the scene. Alex thought it would be nice to see me animate the scarecrow come in from behind the crow more just like from the animatic so here is that version.

Here is the original version that I did where the scarecrow comes from a slightly higher position just to grab the feel that he's jumped off the cliff. 

Now to me I prefer the second version where he comes in from a slightly higher position but thats just my look on it. What do you guys think? Also, I haven't done the crash as I haven't got a clue how you guys did that in the first place plus Alex needs to finish the last part of the scene but this is mainly to show the movements of the scarecrow so I could get some feedback :)

Scarecrow Run Cycle Test 4