Wednesday 25 April 2012

Scene 11 With Scarecrow V1 & V2

Hey hey guys! Okay, I've finally began animating the scarecrow in this scene and I've noticed alex keeps changing the way thc crow is moving (not saying thats a bad thing as the crow looks better now) but the crow in these versions will need replacing. Okay, I have 2 versions, both with a slight change on how the scarecrow enters the scene. Alex thought it would be nice to see me animate the scarecrow come in from behind the crow more just like from the animatic so here is that version.

Here is the original version that I did where the scarecrow comes from a slightly higher position just to grab the feel that he's jumped off the cliff. 

Now to me I prefer the second version where he comes in from a slightly higher position but thats just my look on it. What do you guys think? Also, I haven't done the crash as I haven't got a clue how you guys did that in the first place plus Alex needs to finish the last part of the scene but this is mainly to show the movements of the scarecrow so I could get some feedback :)

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