Sunday 26 February 2012

Crow model sheet V2, 3rd revision

Still plodding along, trying to make changes and fix things up. I've refined the side view which I think is pretty much done now — I might mess around with the eyes and make them a little more girlish in shape — also need to tweak the feet a bit, give 'em claws (unless you guys prefer the rounded toes?)

The front view is getting there but I'm still having massive problems with the head and face as you can probably see. I simply cannot get it to look right — beaks are fairly difficult to rotate with any degree of accuracy! Or maybe I'm just thick?!

3/4 view is still a work in progress. I think the body's angle is sort of OK now, but I obviously need to refine the lines and overall shapes a bit more — I also think the chest is thrust out a little too far. The body is an almost entirely different shape. It needs to be a more subtle curve a little lower down the body.

Sorry to keep changing it before you guys have even given feedback, I'm just very keen to get this one out of the way haha! Please make suggestions as you see fit. Critique is always welcome :]


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