Monday 20 February 2012

Working storyboard

Following Jazzy's spectacular turnaround time with the camera blocking, here's a pretty rough version of the storyboard based on the script and thumbnails she gave me!

Cheap and (hopefully) cheerful — I'm going to chuck this together in a quick "animatic" just to check the timing and flow is all okay. Jazzy will then (very kindly) be putting together a fancy one with pretty pictures and moving things! Hopefully seeing it in sequence will help Jae with decisions regarding the sound.

We're rolling ahead of schedule which is fantastic — thanks to everybody for their contributions so far. Very happy with the way things are progressing and I really hope you are too. Please let us know if you have any doubts or problems or anything at all — if you're not happy with something, please tell us! We're all in this together after all :]

Let's aim to get those character designs finalised by this week if we can. Keep up the great work everyone! :]


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