Monday 27 February 2012

Meeting 5 - 27/2/12

Today, the group and I looked and talked at the first draft of the animatic that Jazzy had created and we suggested some ideas in which we could both speed and slower down certain scenes in the animatic which were to be applied later on. Alex and Jazzy liked the idea that Jae had came up with meaning I am now in charge of all colour palettes for the character designs and that's immediately what I started doing. Here are the finished character designs with both of their colour palettes (on white and one of Jazzy's finished backgrounds)

I really like how well the characters look on Jazzy's background and I think these are the winning pair. now that the palettes have been done, we are planning to do some acting and animating references to help us work out how the scarecrow and crow move!


  • Create a list of poses that we may need to use for both scarecrow and crow
  • Draw a couple for experimenting which ones could be re-used

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