Wednesday 8 February 2012

First Meeting With The Group 8/2/2012

The first meeting with the group was very productive and time was well spent. We talked about how well we could use our time which Alex has planned out perfectly! The plan is to finish the script and storyboarding come the 5th or 6th week of the project (which will be March 5th onwards) and we have came to an agreement of working both the Monday and Tuesday as our main working days. Jazzy has also explained her idea really well to us all and I like the fact that she wants us all to chip in and have our own say on what happens in the animation and I find this will help us all to start working together more.

As part of my job being an Animator, Jazzy and Alex have told me to come up with some design ideas of the scarecrow and the crow so they can get an inspiration and a taste of what my work is like. I can also come up with my own version of the story-line if I wish through a storyboard to see if Alex and Jazzy like my ideas. Overall, I am very happy so far with the meeting and I can't wait to start blogging some ideas!

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