Thursday 23 February 2012

Scarecrow Colour Palettes

Hey guys, here are a few different scarecrow colour palettes for the scarecrow design! Obviously things can be mixed and matched as these were experimental.

I know there isn't as any as Alex's Crows but common I have got a lot more things to colour and shade! :P I really like the idea of having a checkered shirt as Jazzy said to me today when I was designing idea 2 so I decided to do a couple of others to see how well it works. Personally I think the checkered shirt idea looks great and that we should at least consider using this design prospect for the finial designed character! My favourite ones out of the lot are idea's 2 and 4 but hey I need input from you all so any requirements or changes let me know! :)


  1. Spot on Sam, I think 2 and 4 look great as well - 4 actually reminds me a bit of Woody from Toy Story! Was that intentional? ;D

    I do really like number 3 as well - the blue skin is brilliant - and part of me wants to suggest using that just because it's pretty unique, haha!

    I do also like the green shirt - I wonder what number 2 would look like with it?

    Also, if all your colours are on separate layers, you can change them really quickly by using a color overlay. :] That's how I did all of my crows, haha! Saves a lot of time rather than re-colouring them by hand.

    Great job, keep it up!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Oh goodness I'm really struggling to find out my favourite here ^^; I think in contrast to the crop field we need to work around contradicting colours for the scarecrow, but also a colour scheme that'll blend nicely with the crow's darkish blue colour.

    In that case I'm eyeing the brown hat and the red shirt. I think we should work around two or three colours for the scarecrow so as not to make him too loud (if you know what I mean ;P).

    Great work Sam! They look amazing. Also Woody's shirt has really made my day! 8D

    [ignore previous comment, that was a mistake lol]
