Monday 20 February 2012

Progress report: 20/02/2012

Hi guys,

Fantastic work today guys - massive thanks to you all for making today such a success. Thanks to you all we're now a few days ahead of schedule - but unfortunately that doesn't mean we can take it easy ;]

Just to recap today and remind you all of the homework:

Progress report 20/02/2012
  • Camera blocking and storyboarding completed. Tutorial with Ron suggested reference for the hang glider scene - the "crop duster" scene from North by Northwest. Jazzy posted it on the blog earlier today, so be sure to have a look at that!
  • Massive progress with the character designs, which are now pretty much finalised. Brilliant work from both Sam and Jae - thanks to you both we have some very fun and unique characters that open up a lot of potential for some really fun movements. All we need to do is decide on a colour scheme for the scarecrow and we can start looking at making some model sheets and even building puppets by next week.
  • Jazzy and Alex to work on animatics - ideally aim to have this completed by Monday 27th.
  • Alex to slap together a quick animatic from storyboard images to check the timing/flow, and to help Jae make decisions regarding sound effects.
  • Meeting on Wednesday 22nd to review character designs and begin model sheet production. Further discussion regarding progress from this point. Puppet building to be discussed.

Jae & Sam –  For Wednesday 22nd: Come up with some colour schemes for the scarecrow and practice drawing the characters in different poses. Use the storyboard as reference and re-create some of those key poses.
Alex – For Wednesday 22nd: Rough storyboard animatic to check timing/flow. Amend production schedule and timetable. Consider puppet design responsibilities/allocation. Assist with animatic/character design production where necessary.
Jazzy – Start moving animatic using refined storyboard images (aim for completion by Monday 27th)

Please let me help with something!! I don't feel I have much to do! :P

I'll be posting up the new production schedule after Wednesday once we've discussed how we're going to divide up the puppet design responsibilities. I'll also put a lot of great reference images and videos for everybody to use for drawing and animating the characters.

'Til Wednesday, good luck and happy trails


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