Tuesday 21 February 2012

Storyboard animatic


Quick and dirty, but it's in sequence and gives us a vague idea as to the scope and timescale of the project, as well as helping Jae to "visualise" (audialise?!) the sound. The timings are terribly off in places and it isn't necessarily an accurate representation of the actual timings. It's very difficult to try to balance the timing and feel of the original with trying to keep the panels "readable" on-screen.

Sorry about the dodgy fades/effects — had a number of problems with Premiere Pro that I was simply not able to solve — problem with the preferences file which, for some baroque reason, prevented the timeline from being played back. I'll probably go back and re-tweak things a little later on (no doubt it will annoy me otherwise), but it should give you an idea of the general flow.

1 comment:

  1. Haha love it! Cannot wait to start animating this film :) Because it maybe longer than planned, we could have a deleted scenes menu hehe! (Just a thought)
