Thursday 9 February 2012

Recap of First Meeting (part 2)

Howdy y'all! I'm glad we managed to meet up so soon after we found out who our group was, it's given us a good beginning of the project and if we keep the dedication up then I know we'll be finishing this semester with good grades in the end.

Before I go into the production roles discussion I would like to say informally that I feel very confident in our group. We've got a collection of bright and team-spirited people here which has been proven when ideas were already being thrown around and reflected on the first day :) I am so excited to continue working on this with all of you and personally also feel very lucky :D So let's keep it up and give it our best.

I've just read through the blog and it's looking well so far. As for me scanning pages from my sketchbook to post them up here, I'm already ahead of ya! Pitch included. ;P I thought it would be a good idea to show them up on here for reference so they will be shown further down on this post.

I've had to delay my continuation of the introduction until now because my internet is not working currently at my place. So until it's fixed I'm having to use the internet on campus. Bear with me and I'll get it sorted as soon as possible.


Production Roles

Okay so after our talk yesterday I took note of the roles which will be more ideal to each of you and myself. Of course we're all going to contribute to the animation by animating pieces ourselves. To save on trouble caused by loose information I've placed our roles into a fixed state. This doesn't mean that it can't be changed at this early stage, so if you're uncomfortable seeing your name under a role you'd rather not do then please say so. This is just to give ourselves something to focus on solidly and to prevent confusion. Please note that for the roles I'm under, I will say my name, I don't think saying "Me!" will help in anyway ;P 


Sam, Jae, Alex, Jazzy





Sound Design



Sam, Jae
Alex, Jazzy

Character Design

Sam, Jae, Alex

Blocking and Background Design




If I've missed out anything please say so. These roles are just based off the notes I took down yesterday. Now me being Director I'm going to have to keep my overview of the work updated constantly so I'll be like the crow stalking the scarecrow :D but don't be frightened, I don't bite...

Early Concept Sketches (in order of page number)

I'll end the post here, don't want to throw too much at you at once :) Keep drawing, have fun with it and I can't wait to see your ideas on Tuesday <3

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