Monday 20 February 2012

Meeting 3 - 20/2/2012

Today, Alex and Jazzy told us that the aim for the day was to begin working on the Animatic and to try and finalise the character design for the scarecrow at least. For more affect, Jazzy and Alex went to discuss about the animatic and they began to put that into shape whilst me and Jae sat and talked about the things we liked about each others designs and the things we could use in the finalised character design. This proved difficult at first as we both hit drawers-block where neither of us could draw the design and come up with ideas of a final character. However, this shortly changed after a lunch break where we managed to discuss and finalise the character idea. We showed the idea to Alex and Jazzy and they were pleased with the idea too! Here is the final scarecrow design.


  • Do a few coloured designs of the character on photoshop and publish them onto the group blog by wednesday.

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