Thursday 23 February 2012

Scarecrow in Colour - Draft No.1

Sorry guys that it took a bit long to get the design uploaded~ :)
Well it's just a first draft of the scarecrow in colour so still all the details can be discussed and changed, or be simplified and perfected... !
PS. I personally love the style that's with no outlines, so I didn't do outlines for the character either :D reference to :
and: btw love the background design in "the silence beneath the dark"


  1. Hey Jae good to see your coloured design on here! I love the colours you have used here, and I like the way how you have referenced the design idea from the films you found. Tbh I think your design has topped my 6 lol :)

  2. Oh wow! I really, really like this design... the colour and texture on the hat looks great. I really love the simplicity of this design, the colours work very nicely together. The body structure is great as well!

    The lineless style is lovely and is definitely something we can consider. The only problem is that it might make some body parts difficult to see — in this drawing for example you can't see the rest of his arm against the shirt. I can see that this is intentional and it works well in drawings, but it might be a bit of a problem in animation! This is something we can all discuss together though. :)

    I'd like to see you and Sam get together soon and start working together on the model sheets for the scarecrow. I really like the body structures you've both been doing, so the next stage is for you to come up with something you can both work with.

    Great work Jae, really pleased to see you uploading to the blog, keep it up! :)

  3. I love the colour scheme you've used, especially his hat (to no surprise) :D You've managed to colour co-ordinate him very well with his trousers, bow tie and hat. The simplicity works very nicely and blends in without any obscure or out-of-place colours. There's nothing worse than having a character that's awkward to look at so good job there ^^

    I think having a character without lines might make it tricky to animate, also it might make him look too neat and/or orderly. It also means we'll have to make the crow design lineless too so they fit together. The audience might have to figure out what position the hands or wings are in should they cross.

    Despite this however I really love your design. Keep it up Jae :]
