Wednesday 15 February 2012

Production schedule — rough

Hi guys — as promised, here's a rough copy of the production schedule. Nothing's concrete in it so far but it should serve to give you an idea of how we should be looking to break down the weeks. Lots of blank spaces as well — once we're a little further into the project I should be able to get an idea as to how things are progressing and make amendments to it as necessary.

You'll notice that I've scribbled in an animatic deadline for next week — don't panic yet — we'll talk about this on Thursday. In the meantime please look over this and make note of anything you want to mention! Hopefully with your input on Thursday I'll be able to make tweaks and adjustments until we've got something we're all happy with.

There are a lot of things I've overlooked with this   the animatic "deadline," for instance, doesn't take into account the need for layouts for each scene/background. I also think that the timescale for storyboarding might be a bit optimistic, but again, these are all things we can discuss at the meeting. :] We can hopefully look at breaking things down into stages and look at exactly what we're going to need to accomplish in order to complete each stage. I'd like to get a list of all the things we need to make and/or do so that I can get a more accurate idea of how much time we need to allocate to each task.

I'll be working on a chart version of this over the next couple of days that will let us see much more quickly when particular tasks are due. I'll also knock together a separate production timetable for when we come to animating that breaks down the film scene-by-scene so we can accurately track the progress of each shot.


GROUP 7 – Jazzy, Sam, Jae, Alex

Production Schedule


Week 1 (6th Feb - 10th Feb)

Create group blog. Discuss production roles. Begin initial sketches. Individual idea development.

Week 2 (13th Feb - 17th Feb)

  •  Character design discussion & development. 
  •   Finalise script by Friday (17th)


Jae & Sam – For Tuesday 21st: Finalise character designs. Hold independent meeting to discuss ideas and develop scarecrow design.
Alex & Jazzy – Camera blocking & storyboarding for Tuesday.
All – Annotate script so far, consider ending possibilities.

Week 3 (20th Feb - 24th Feb)

  •   Storyboard completed by Wednesday. 
  •    Create first animatic from storyboard images and stock sound effects.
  •    Use storyboard animatic to identify key poses and backgrounds.
  •    Start moving animatic.

Decide on final character designs and use storyboard animatic to identify key poses/backdrops. Research for background design.

Week 4 (27th Feb - 2nd Mar)

Tues 28th Feb             Acting for Animation Workshops (B124)

ñ  Animatic production.
ñ  Start building puppets based on animatic.
ñ  Source animation references?

Build list of necessary puppets/backgrounds/sounds. Start sourcing references and building puppets over the week.

Week 5 (5th Mar - 9th Mar)           

Mon 5th Mar                Acting for Animation Workshop. (B124)

  • Complete animatic
  • Produce tests and finish backgrounds
  • Divide and allocate scenes for production

Week 6 (12th Mar - 16th Mar)       

Mon 12th Mar               Sound Technical Workshops (G23)

  • Have list of sounds ready for workshops. Record sounds by end of this week? 
  • Start animating!

Work in pairs to help aid puppet creation/After Effects/problem solving.

Week 7 (19th Mar - 23rd Mar) 

Week 8 (26th Mar - 30th Mar) 

EASTER BREAK – 31st March – 15th April 

Keep working everyone!

Week 9 (16th Apr - 20th Apr) 

Week 10 (23rd Apr - 27th Apr) 

Final tweaks, post-production and sound editing.

Week 11 (30th Apr - 4th May) 

Complete post-production stage. Meet to discuss portfolio preparation and hand-in requirements.

Week 12 (7th May - 11th May) 

Portfolio preparation.

Mon 14th May          ASSESSMENT. HAND IN B124 10.30am

See you all tomorrow!


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