Friday 24 February 2012

Crow sketches/design considerations

Just some more crow sketches to familiarise myself with the physiology of the crow — looking at the head from various angles and such :] 

Image source
I saw this really lovely photo of a crow and the eyes are very striking — I wanted to play around with the way I drew the eyes to try and make them a little more 'crow like.' What do you guys think of the blue? 
That weird little cartoon character on the side there is 'Drinky Crow,' a character from a rather obscure cartoon from 2007 about a crow who... drank. A lot. That was about it. Anyway, I quite liked how his eyes looked so thought I might try and emulate is, but I'm not too sure how it would work on our crow. Might play around with it a bit more.

More general sort of body sketches to try and figure out the placement of wings and such. I looked at the way a couple of other artists drew crows to get an idea as to how the body could be simplified.

1 comment:

  1. Wow Alex, you've been busy O_o I love the amount of reference you've used for the angles and poses of the crow. That'll really give an advantage to when the puppets are made.
