Wednesday 22 February 2012

Scarecrow CAD Design

Hey guys here's just one of my design ideas of how the scarecrow could look on the computer in colour. Hope you like it, feedback could be much appreciated e.g. if you want different colours.

1 comment:

  1. Great stuff Sam! I like the idea of having his "shirt" actually just being his body — perhaps we could make his arms even thinner and make them look like twigs that have literally just been stabbed into a sack of straw?

    I'm liking the purple too, looks great on the trousers! I wonder if there are any other colours we could give the hat? I definitely like it, don't get me wrong, but making the hat a different colour might make him feel a bit more "mismatched" — as if he was just thrown together out of spare bits and pieces. ;]

    Definitely keep going with more colour schemes, just go completely wild — would love to see even more variations and ideas! It'll look great in your individual portfolio as well. Have a look at some of these for some ideas:

    Just the first few I found on Google so not really the best examples but it should give you an idea. They've literally just done a few different variations and stacked them next to each other — that way it's easier to measure them up against each other and see if there are any colours that work best on the design.

    Oh, and thank you for posting up your character designs as well — I'll definitely add those to the character designs page. It's great to see you getting going with the blog. I'm going to try and get everybody commenting frequently on these posts so we can keep getting feedback even when we're not together. Keep it up buddy :]
