Tuesday 28 February 2012

Reference — running towards camera

Apologies for the God-awful quality but it's the best reference I was able to find...

Having a lot of difficulty getting the timing on the intro scene right. It's an annoying video to be sure, but it's actually a fairly good example of how the mechanics of this sort of scene work. Look at how many steps she's taking in comparison to how far she's approaching the camera — the run cycle should be very fast but she's still getting closer pretty slowly.

I think the trickiest thing about our shot is the perspective — he's running sort of diagonally, so we have more than one direction to contend with.

I was thinking that it might be a good idea to tackle the first scene of the animatic once we've actually got some proper reference to work from. The timing and perspective is potentially a bit too tricky to work out in our heads. What do you guys think about taking Jazzy's camera to one of the fields behind uni and acting out this shot when we go to film those references tomorrow? Could be a lot of fun... ;]

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