Tuesday 14 February 2012

Story (First Draft) lacking ending

Group 7
Sam, Jae, Alex and Jazzy
The Scarecrow and the Crow

Script – Draft

At noon in a crop field, all is bright and calm. Silence is broken by the sounds of hammering footsteps growing louder from the distance. A tall, gangly figure hurtles from the horizon towards the screen, arms flailing wildly and disappears off-screen. A second later the sound of many beating wings echoes in the air and a large flock of crows emerge from the distance at high speed. They fly overhead and vanish off-screen whilst one strays from the group and heads for ground obscuring the screen to black. [Title]

As the noise settles, screen fades from black and an old, wrecked barn is sat in the field with the door slightly open. We slowly approach the barn, which cuts to approaching the door and finally approaching the crack of the door. Inside the barn, scraps of paper litter the floor. At closer look they appear to be blueprints of failed contraptions. At the other end of the room a scarecrow sits scribbling away at a drawing board. Cuts to the back of scarecrow, he stands with pride and walks away. We see the blueprint in its entirety and it reveals to be a hawk-shaped hang-glider before sounds of construction are heard.

Scene transition; blueprint picture of hang-glider fades to actual thing. Then blueprint fades to reveal the back of the hang glider moving up the hill. Scene then cuts to foot of the hill looking up to the scarecrow emerging from the top of the hill. We see back of scarecrow preparing for the jump. Scene cuts to crow looking for scarecrow on the crop field. We see behind the crow as she walks and a hawk-shaped shadow slowly looms over her. Crow looks behind her and gets startled by the hang-glider. Scene cuts to front. Crow starts to waddle at high speed while scarecrow flies overhead, rapidly gaining on her. She comes closer to screen and slows to a stop as she realizes it’s the scarecrow. He flusters and loses control before crashing off-screen. The crow covers her face in anticipation of the impending crash, camera shakes then settles and she peeks out. 

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