Friday 2 March 2012

Animatic V2 & V3

Hey everyone!

We've pretty much finished amending the animatic now, so have a little gander:

Massive apologies for the quality of the second scene (with the zooming on the barn door) — I didn't seem to have a copy of the scene file so had to rip it from the Vimeo version and resize it accordingly. I'll replace it with a higher-quality clip on Monday.

Unfortunately, our amendments have increased the length of the animation considerably and it now clocks in at almost 2 minutes. A lot of it is simply backdrop animation, so I don't think it's unachievable, but I do think we need to seriously consider where we might be able to cut back on some of the scenes.

I did another version very quickly, cutting out the first shot of the crow walking through the cornfield looking for the scarecrow. I think it still works reasonably well without it and it manages to cut back the time to around 1:45.

Personally, I feel that most of the timings are pretty much fine now, but there are still a couple of things that are tweakable — I don't know about anybody else, but I think that the transition between the outside and inside of the barn is a bit off? I think it's because the pan across the inside of the barn is a lot quicker than the zoom on the doors. We might need to look at either speeding up the zoom or slowing down the pan (at least for the beginning part)? Looking at it again, I think that the scene transitions a bit fast — I'll perhaps try holding the zoom just a bit longer before it fades. Does anybody else have any suggestions? :]

The other thing is the zoom on the blueprint — this is probably just me being a little pernickity, but I kinda feel that could be just a tad slower?


  1. Hey guys, again brilliant work on the aninmatic! It looks fantastic! Now for some criticism and helpful input :) I definitely think that the timings for everything are spot on so no need to worry about those! Alex, I agree with you on the barn zoom-to-pan scene. The zoom should be the same speed as the barn pan otherwise it looks a little weird.. (But if we don't change it, we could easily get away with it). I think it's a good idea to have a shot of the crow on her own just so the audience knows whats going to happen so either keep what you have the first time or keep what you have the second time and add an extra 2s sequence just before the scarecrow jumps off hill. Overall guys I really don't think this needs changing much more so perhaps a finished animatic can now be made :)

  2. I definitely think the crow needs to be seen before she turns to spot the hang glider. It looks like it's rushing into things if it's not included. Otherwise we're not looking from the crow's perspective when he approaches. I think it's more effective if we keep that scene in.

    I love what you've done with the running scene Alex, good job on that. You might already think this, but the ground needs to slow down a tad. You don't necessarily have to change it in the animatic, we could always save it for the final thing.

    Other than those things, brilliant! Good job Alex :]


    Only joking, thanks to both of you for the feedback — I completely agree with you on both counts. It does definitely work better with the crow on her own. I wonder if there's anything we can do with the scene where she freaks out and runs away? I don't necessarily think it's absolutely essential for us to cut the time down, but just in the interest of making our lives a hell of a lot easier it might be worth looking at where we can trim bits a little ;]

    You're definitely right about the ground movement Jazzy, it's quite tricky to get the speed right. I'll have to go back and tweak a few bits anyway (like the barn door) so I can certainly slow it down then. I think it's important for the animatic to reflect the final thing as closely as possible at this point :]

    Cheers again, both of you!
