Saturday 24 March 2012

Crow walk cycle V2 [lower block]

Thought it might be about time to attempt the crow's walk cycle again — spent a couple of hours blocking out the legs and this is the result so far! It's far from complete; there's no body or head movement at all, no weight shifting, no timing adjustments - literally just the legs.

It's horribly robotic and I know that's distracting. Just figured I'd show you the progress so far. How is the leg movement looking so far? Can you see any glaringly obvious errors? Anything that needs changing? Thoughts? Advice? :]

The first thing I want to do once I'm satisfied is sort the timing out. then I can look at offsetting each limb slightly to give it some drag, make sure everything moves accurately. I have nothing more to say. I'm tired!!


  1. Hey Al, Okay you asked for thoughts, advice and all that jazz, well I'm gonna give you some ;) Okay it does look rather robotic, but only on the top half as I actually quite like how the legs move and flick. So looking at the top half maybe you could add a slight head bop or even try the up and down positions as if you were doing a walk cycle, see what that looks like!

    I looked at some bird walks and the wings dont really move so unless you try adding a slight movement to them but not to much just to make it less robotic then you could give that a try!

    If not, have a look at this video of a bird walking.. I know its not a crow but it could give you some pointers on how a bird walks

    Bird walking:

    but in comparisson to a crow walking they look rather similar in how they move

    Crow walking:

    Hope that's helped you out buddy :) Sorry if it seems long winded lol

    1. Don't apologise, I love feedback like this, it's amazingly helpful :D!!

      Thanks for the videos, they're both really useful — the first one especially, it's really clear so I can actually see the legs and head movements properly!

      The wings are a bit tricky - like you say, they don't really move properly, but when birds walk they really swing their hips and tilt from side to side. Maybe I should try moving them up and down very slightly to try and give the impression that she's tilting? I think you're right about the up and down movement of the body, I'll give it a try and see how it looks! :D

      Thanks again for the feedback as always Sam, I appreciate you taking the time to type it all out! :]

  2. Don't apologise, I love feedback like this, it's amazingly helpful :D!!

    Thanks for the videos, they're both really useful — the first one especially, it's really clear so I can actually see the legs and head movements properly!

    The wings are a bit tricky - like you say, they don't really move properly, but when birds walk they really swing their hips and tilt from side to side. Maybe I should try moving them up and down very slightly to try and give the impression that she's tilting? I think you're right about the up and down movement of the body, I'll give it a try and see how it looks! :D

    Thanks again for the feedback as always Sam, I appreciate you taking the time to type it all out! :]
