Friday 2 March 2012

Filming Reference for Scarecrow part1

This post is us acting out a few running sequences so we can better understand the distance, speed and perspective of a couple of scenes, mainly the opening sequence. We each played the scarecrow and tried to act out how he would run. With floppy and lightweight limbs we imagined him flailing them around whilst running, discovering it actually takes a great deal of effort to do. We've also taken into account the facial expressions when watching them back and how it would be hilarious if we could possibly add them in too ;]

These are only available to see on this blog, so no worries about embarrassment on youtube, facebook etc.

Lastly, I must apologise for most of them, I had cases when I couldn't stop laughing... I should have started singing "I love to laugh" from Mary Poppins.

Front View

Perspective of the Crop Field

[To be continued...]

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