Tuesday 6 March 2012

Further Background Work no. 2


This one was simple enough. I'm going to redo the plan to make it look more like a blueprint so that requires a bit of research. 

Hill 1

The is a recycled scene when the scarecrow is taking the hang glider up the hill and when he jumps off.
It was originally with trees but I thought it didn't blend in. It looked like the trees were just put there for the sake of it.

Here it is:

It looked a bit random and I preferred it without the trees. Or maybe it might look better if I redid them.

 Hill 2

There really isn't much to say about this background. It was easy enough to do. I imagine the only thing moving here beside the scarecrow appearing from the hill top are the clouds. Again they're separate layers, so they won't be any trouble to move. Simple but effective.

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