Tuesday 6 March 2012

Animatics With Sounds V2

Hey eveyone! Here is version 2 of the animatic with some sounds! I've added and changed a few around and I was able to edit it properly thanks to Adobe premiere! :)


  1. Great job so far Sam, it's coming together nicely! It's going to be easier to give you feedback when we're all together tomorrow but for the time being here's some very general suggestions:

    Looking at the first scene, I'm wondering if we really need music for that section. It might be a little more effective if we just have sound effects — perhaps the music could kick in on the title sequence, just after the crow flies into the screen? The track you've got that starts on the barn door would work, or even some other sort of upbeat track that continues into the scene inside the barn maybe? Try having some footsteps before the scarecrow even appears — you could start them really quietly and have them gradually get louder, just as a kind of build-up and to hint to the audience that something is about to happen. It might also be nice to have the sound of wings for the crows as well! I love the little 'caw' at the end for the lonely crow, though — great touch! :D

    For the scene where he's preparing for the jump, perhaps we could have some kind of wind blowing and distant bird noises — some sort of atmospheric sounds just to try and emphasize that he's up high and looking over this huge, sprawling landscape?

    I absolutely love the dramatic tracks you used for the chase scene, the timing is brilliant — especially where it kicks in just as the crow runs away — fantastic! For the build-up bit (is that the Jaws theme?! XD) I think it would be good to start it a bit later, perhaps at the shot where we're looking down at the crow from above (when the shadow creeps over her), or towards the end of the side-on shot. Does that make sense?! I'm so bad at explaining this stuff!...

    Maybe try some kind of creak for the hang glider as it tilts to the right as it's chasing her. Just something to highlight that movement. I know Jazzy already mentioned to you about the crash sound effect so I won't comment on that, but I'd be tempted to go crazy with it — really exaggerate it with all sorts of ridiculous crashes and bangs and scrapes to give the idea that he's collided with all this crap — farm animal noises, the tearing of fabric as he rips his hang glider — have some fun with it!! :]

    As for stuff you could add, how about a nice swish-type effect for when the crow tosses the bug into the air? Some kind of creepy wriggling noise (subtle) for the bug as it's wriggling its legs in her beak, before she throws it into the air, would be quite nice as well I think.

    Gosh, I hope I haven't sounded too critical!! I do really love what you're doing with it, you've done a great job so far! It's really coming together nicely! :]

  2. I think my comment here is mainly based on music, lol.

    Alright first thing's first... brilliant job Sam! This is definitely a good start to the sounds, and it’s amazing to have them. I know now that they really make all the difference.

    I have two favourite audios you've used for the animatic that I just have to point out.

    The first is the running scene (of course ;P) If we can use that then I definitely would like you to. It's appropriate and familiar music that everyone knows which adds to the comedy of the scene so it's all the more funny to the audience :]

    The other is the guitar strumming after the crow eats the insect. We're leading onto the friendship between them at this point so the gentle strum isn't just a settlement between the two but also to the audience. After all, the plan went haywire, so it was nice when there was silence and then that coming up.

    Why those two work for me is because they have a lot more of a folk theme to them. It might not be the most popular genre in music, but country or folk working alongside characters in a farm environment blends in together nicely. It’s very stereotypical I know but I do like it that way. For example, I can detect stereotypical instruments like a banjo in the Benny Hill theme you've used.

    Music that sounds a bit techno, like the beginning music for example, I think gives off the wrong impression. Whenever I hear things like that I always think of sci-fi in a modern environment. Obviously the scarecrow and the crow are types to live the simple life in old-fashioned ways.


    Okay sound effects. I’ll try to keep this brief since I’ve realized how long this is ;P

    You’ve managed to find absolutely fantastic sound effects and I haven’t got much to comment about them. Just look at the pointers that Alex mentioned on the jump, the crash and the bug. Because I agree with those :]

    Also, try finding another gulp or something like that for when the scarecrow’s about to crash because he sounds like he’s got too low a voice for that. Remember he’s quite naïve and young.

    Lastly, erm… I don’t think the Jaws thing fits but you already knew that 8D

    Long comment is long.
