Wednesday 7 March 2012

Animatic V4

More tweaks! This one sees the addition of the further amended chase scene as well as some other slight adjustments.

It seems that we lost the original file for the second scene (barn door zoom), so I had to reconstruct it. I've attempted to get it as close as I can to the original! We made some slight tweaks to the transition between the exterior and interior of the barn — The cross dissolve has been slightly lengthened and now occurs a bit later. The panning on the inside of the barn starts out a little slower to match the speed of the zoom, which hopefully looks better!

I made a minor adjustment to the zoom on the blueprint — I slowed it down just a tad, to help give Sam a little more room to play with in terms of sound. The only downside is that now the blueprint isn't dead-centre and you can see some of the table on the left-hand side. It looks a bit weird but that's something we can come to correct later on.

We also slightly altered the side-on shot of the crow walking through the field. Originally, she came to a complete stop, but then in the next scene appeared to be walking again. This looked a little odd so we trimmed a bit off the end so that she doesn't stop moving. It's only a small change but it helped to keep the continuity between shots.

The last notable change is sticking Sam's logo on there as a placeholder. There's absolutely no animation there, it's by no means finalised — it just kind of pops up and disappears. I would have tried to do something a little nicer for the timing, but my laptop started shrieking and whining about having a low battery, so I pretty much had to get it exported on the double.  Sam has very kindly offered to animate the title sequence for us, so I shall leave decisions regarding the timings and whatnot in his capable hands :]

Seems to me that it's really coming together now, but as always, suggestions and comments are more than welcome!

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