Wednesday 14 March 2012

More crow puppets

Hi guys! In a bit of a rush so this will be a quick post — for once! Just thought I'd show you a few of the puppets I've been tossing together. They're still fairly rough and I've not given the articulation a great deal of thought but hopefully it should give us an idea of what we're working with.

Ridiculously simple — basically the puppet so far for the shot as the shadow creeps over her. I don't know, it almost looks too simple to me — should we be able to see her legs? Her feet? All the essential parts are separate — head, neck, wings, tail — so we won't just be moving her statically. I'll get her head bobbing forward and back and Jazzy suggested moving her wings as well, to act more like human shoulders.

I was trying to figure out the best way to get her to turn her head when she looks up at the hang glider and I'll probably just end up doing a few separate layers showing her head at various angles as she turns it upwards.

These aren't 100% finished but pretty close, I reckon. Just the ending shot where she tosses the bug into the air. I really don't like the last one on the far right — it looks really, really weird to me and I don't know what it is. Something about the head I think?  I've never been very good at 3/4 angles D8;;

You can see that the one with her head tilted upwards as she swallows the bug is nowhere near finished — I need to fix the neck and connect it to the body, fix the beak, get it to open and close and just generally finish it off. I'll make the lump on her throat as she swallows the bug a separate layer so we can animate it really easily and just move it down her neck.

I'd love to hear your suggestions on any aspect of these puppets! Let me know what you guys want changed :]

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