Monday 5 March 2012

Crow flock test V2


 Agh, I've been messing with this all day and I don't seem to be gettting anywhere with it! Been staring at this so long I can't even tell if it looks any different anymore! Having real difficulty getting the timing right. I've tried to increase the delay at the beginning and mix up the birds a bit so they travel at different speeds and move in a slightly less robotic pattern, but I don't know if it looks any better or worse.

I've found that using two flocks of birds is no problem — I can get them to move in an interesting pattern and alter the timings and it looks quite nice, but as soon as I introduce a third flock it's hard to mix it up enough. The third flock will either arrive at the same time as one of the others or slot neatly in between the others, which makes it looks really lifeless if they just neatly arrive one after the other in sequence. I think perhaps I should just use two flocks, but maybe change the position/formation of the birds themselves in the second one to mix it up a little.

Anybody have any suggestions? I'd love to hear any feedback you might have :]

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