Wednesday 7 March 2012

Progress report: 5/03 — 7/03

Morning everyone. This report spans the past few days as it seems like we've covered quite a lot in a relatively short space of time. You all know what you're doing (I hope!) but just as a record:

Progress report: 5/03 — 7/03

On Monday we all met to discuss concerns we'd had over work distribution. It became quickly apparent that Sam had nothing to do after completing the model sheets, and Jae was taking responsibility for two major roles — sound design and puppet creation. These are two jobs that really needed to be happening at the same time and trying to juggle both would have placed unfair demands on Jae's time. In light of this, we've re-jiggled some of the production roles and Sam will now be taking on sound design and editing duties.

We looked over some animation tests that Jae did of the first scene and agreed that the scarecrow's run cycle would be better suited to a hand drawn frame-by-frame technique instead of a puppet, which would have been difficult to animate convincingly. Because of this, we decided it would be better to create the puppets for the rest of the animation and come back to the run cycle last. This would allow us to start animating straight away, rather than waiting for the first scene to be completed, and leave us time at the end to focus entirely on getting the run cycle right.

The animatic has been continuously tweaked on an ongoing basis over the course of the week and is approaching what could loosely be described as "completion." In all honesty I think it's going to be something we're constantly refining right up until the end but it's pretty much all together now, and we're generally pretty happy with all of the timings!

Sam's been slogging away at the sound and has put together some very nice first drafts for us using a variety of stock sound effects. Working alongside with sound in mind we've been able to better refine the timings to accomodate the sound requirements of each shot. We've met to discuss further options, share resources and generally give feedback. Again, it's one of those things that's in progress right up 'til the end.

Background production is going well and Jazzy has been handing over the files to Jae so she is able to sketch out some rough puppets for us to test on Thursday morning.


Sam — continue with sound development. Sound workshops are next week, so we'd like to have a fairly solid idea of what sounds we're going to need so that we can ask relevant questions and figure out the best ways to get the sounds that we need. Carry on uploading any edits you make regularly and we'll be sure to give you plenty of feedback :]

Jae — some rough puppets for Thursday so we can start testing them out and seeing how they move! They don't need to be coloured or anything, little sketches split into layers for us to muck around with on After Effects are fine. Aim to get to the scene where he comes over the hill with the hang glider! We can give you more specific advice on Thursday once we see how they're moving :]

Alex — same as Jae, get some puppets for the crow done for Thursday morning. Look mainly at her walking sequence and the flight to the scarecrow's arm at the end — fairly tricky scenes that are going to need a lot of consideration so it would be good to get a head start.

Jazzy — carry on as you are with the backgrounds. If you can bring 'em in on Thursday we'll take a look and see how you're doing!

NEXT MEETING THURSDAY IN G01 AT 10AM (before the lecture)

Any problems, let me know :D

Keep it up everyone!


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