Friday 2 March 2012

Filming Reference for Scarecrow part2

Further filming leads us to possible things the scarecrow could do whilst riding the hang glider, or literally dangling below it. As I recall we don't actually have any shots in the animatic of the scarecrow visibly dangling, but it's useful to have anyway. 
Fall we know it could link to the running scene when the scarecrow comes closer to the ground and loses his balance. As he approaches his legs could be kicking everywhere showing possible consequences to the plan. After all I don't believe he's very experienced in the sport.

[For some reason there was an error while trying to upload Alex's version]

Here is us trying out the zipline to again better understand depth and speed when we approach the camera. This might not be as useful as I originally thought because the angle is slightly off.


  1. Even the blog is sick of my ugly face!!

    Great stuff guys, hopefully we've got a good starting point for creating some basic puppets — let's aim to get some tests done next week, then we can figure out what works, what doesn't or if we need any more reference!

  2. lol where did you go? looks fun~
