Tuesday 20 March 2012

Crow flight cycle test V1

As promised, here's a peek at the flight cycle so far: 

Sorry, I should have looped it a little better. I'll upload a better version so you can see it loop a bit more easily.

It's fairly rough so far — lots of problems but I think the basics of the movement are there!

I think that perhaps the timing could stand to be a little faster? The downstroke of the wings, realistically, should be a bit slower than the upstroke. I also think there maybe needs to be a bit of a pause before she brings her wings back up? Similar to how they pause as they're at the top.

I had a LOT of trouble getting the back wing to look right. You'll see how it sort of flips/twirls as it comes back up — that was completely accidental as I tried to figure out how to fix the choppiness and I actually think it looks quite decent. The only trouble is that the front wing doesn't match — I could have fixed it but I thought I'd leave both of them flapping slightly differently and let you guys decide which wing looks better. I'd like to try animating the front wing in a similar way — with the little twist/twirl at the top. What do y'all think? :]

The body/head bobbing is a bit too much, I think. Maybe it should be a little more subtle?

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