Tuesday 20 March 2012

Report 20/3/12

I haven't been posting anything for a while since my title sequence animation, but in the past week, the group and I have accomplished many things and also come across some minor errors and set backs.

Minor Errors/Set Backs:
The group have been pulled back from animating due to not deciding on the color schemes for both of the characters meaning puppets could not be developed and created for animating.

What We Have Done/Accomplished:
The group and I have been inducted into the sound recording room (G13) meaning we can now use the sound room and all of its equipment for further use. This helps me a lot as I am the Sound Director and so I can use these facilities to my advantage to start recording some of my own sounds for the animation rather than using copyright free sounds found on the internet making the animation more like our own work.
The group have also finally came to an agreement for both character color palettes and Alex and Jae have begun making the puppets as we are looking to animate as of next week!
The group have fairly divided the individual scene shots equally so we all have a fair part of animating to do. This is to be posted on the Group Blog in the next few days.
Jazzy has designed several color schemes and shapes for the Hang Glider and asked the rest of the group which one we should use.

Here's a small example of the Sound Recording Workshop with some added sound effects!

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