Wednesday 21 March 2012

Hang Glider Comparison

Alrighty guys I have a series of images coming up that compares the two colours we liked the most and how they look against the backgrounds and with the scarecrow and the crow. Look at each one carefully and see which ones really work for you.

I'm working towards the purplish grey because it's not too much like everything else and at the same time, it's a colour that fits in well with the rest. But I really need other opinions here so let me know as soon as you can what you think. 
As well as looking at these, if you've changed your mind about the colour of the hang glider and think neither of these work then mention that too. Now's the time to say :]

Once we've decided on the colour I can get straight into finishing the pan up background after the scarecrow crashes. It's lacking ripped up bits of hang glider ;P

First Example of Hang Glider Frame
This is looking at the framework behind the hang glider's construction. Of course we don't have to show this much detail but I had to think about the underside of the hang glider because it will show the bars that the scarecrow is hanging onto. If it doesn't look believable then it will be so awkward to look at... egh, I think you know what I mean ;P

Also a thought's just occurred to me. Do you think I should give the hang glider's outline a darker colour to the flat colours like the characters? Should it be just black? Or give it no outline at all like the inanimate objects? We've been working along two rules:

  • Animate : Outline
  • Inanimate: No-outline
What do you say? ^^;


  1. Sorry this took me so long to reply! I've been squatting in W105 all day so my eyes are all beady and my head feels like it's stuffed with cotton wool... but I'll try my best to be articulate!

    Ohh, this is a tricky one...!! I've been staring at them for about ten minutes trying to figure out which one I like most. The purplish one looks great but for some reason I find myself drawn to the blue one too... but, no, I think the purple one is the clear winner.

    I must admit though, somewhere in the back of my mind I'm still thinking about the brownish orange one! I'm a little curious to see how it would look, but don't feel you need to overhaul the whole thing just to satisfy me. I'm perfectly content with both of these colour schemes and I will be happy no matter what we end up using :] If you held a gun to my head, though, I'd say go for the purple one!

    It's so nice to see the two characters together! I don't know if it's just the poses or what, but I think they're actually working really nicely together. That's a relief..!

  2. Oh, and about the outline thing, I think it's an interesting idea you've hit on. I think it could work either way to be honest, but I'm also thinking that seeing as the hang glider is something that's being interacted with, thus is an active part of the animation, perhaps we should keep the outline?

    They used to do something similar in Tom & Jerry — all of the backgrounds were lineless, beautiful watercolours — but if there was an object in the scenery (a jug, for example) that was going to move or otherwise be interacted with, it would be drawn with an outline in the same style as the characters.

    I'd be interested to see it, though, definitely feel free to hvae a play around with it! :]
