Tuesday 20 March 2012

Progress report: 19/03/2012

Following on from Jazzy's post yesterday evening, I'm typing up another quick recap of everything we've covered over the past week or so. It's a big'un, so please hang tight!

Progress report 19/03/2012

  • Attended sound workshops last week. Inducted into the sound studio and introduced to the roland recorders. After workshops we decided it would definitely be best to record as much of the sounds ourselves as possible. Anything we're unable to record ourselves, we can resort to stock effects.
  • We pretty much have a finalised rough cut of our soundtrack at this stage! Sam, it's worth bearing in mind that as animation progresses we might find we need additional sound effects to accompany additional movement — for example, when the crow freaks out and runs away — as she jumps into the air her wings will flap so we might need something for that. Don't worry... it won't be much, I promise...!
  • We met on Friday to discuss concerns over the scarecrow colour designs. Jae, over the weekend, put together a number of alternate colour schemes and we were able to reach a compromise yesterday. Hopefully everybody is happy now and we can begin puppet production! :]
  • Jazzy finalising hang glider design and we discussed colour/shape options. She's going to do a couple of versions of the selected favourites and see how they work alongside the scarecrow and background in terms of colour.
  • Alex working on crow puppets — should have first versions of all puppets complete by the end of the week, ready for testing and refinement.
  • Scenes divided up for production. 
We've got just two weeks left before Easter, guys, and we need to start animating next week to give us time to identify any problems. This means that we need to have enough puppets for us to at least begin animating our designated scenes — any remaining puppets can be worked on whilst Jazzy, Sam and I get started animating :)

  • Jae — begin producing scarecrow puppets. We need to have enough by Monday next week for us to at least begin animating our designated scenes — any remaining puppets can be worked on whilst Jazzy, Sam and I get started animating :) (Sorry, I know I repeat myself!)
  • Alex — produce individual animation timetable detailing the length of each shot and who's working on it. Carry on with crow puppets — do some more tests, etc.
  • Jazzy — carry on with the hang glider. Meet up with Alex to work together on the puppet for the crow's run cycle.
  • Sam — start recording sound this week, ideally — it's best to start as early as possible so we've got more time to sort out problems and so you're not having to juggle it on top of animating! 
I think that's all for now. It's crunch time, everybody... let's make the most of these next 2 weeks...!

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