Tuesday 17 April 2012

17th April 2012

Hey everyone, just thought I'd post a quick post about how well I think I'm currently doing on this project.

Okay, as you can all see I have completed 3 of my 6 scenes which is putting me well in front of the game and to be honest two of the scenes I still have to do are pretty simple so will get those up by the end of today!

Okay, I'm not going to lie I haven't really been looking into the sounds but this is because I wanna know if you guys want any sounds? I've literally only just thought of this today, do we need some of our own sounds going into this or is everyone okay with the soundtrack we already got? Let me know as if we do want some of our own sounds I can probably crack on with that over the next week!

Timing With DS2/Essay
My plan is to start concentrating more on DS2 this term as I'm slightly behind on it so I won't be coming in as often unless you guys either 1) Need me in or 2) Want a group meeting/discussion. This just helps me to become more motivated to do my other work.

I'm going to be working on that later on today, should become very up-to-date with things hopefully by tomorrow.

Overall, I think I'm coping alright as usual. I'm very comfortable where I am at the moment with everything except for DS2. Again, please let me know about the sounds ASAP! Thanks! :)

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