Thursday 12 April 2012

Scene 07 V7 & 8

Don't worry, I've not been ignoring any feedback on this scene! Just been doing other things... but here's an amended version. Huzzah!

According to what Jazzy said I tried to have the crow turn her head as she enters the screen, then look the other way towards the centre. She then faces forward as she leaves.

Version 8

To be honest I'm not sure I like the results. I know exactly what Jazzy means and what she wants and it looks fine in my head, but I think the problem is that there's a lot of movement happening in a short space of time, so it doesn't really read? Maybe it's just me? Something about the head turn in the middle looks really off to me.

I did a quick render of the previous version without all the distracting lighting effects as well:

If you watch at full quality you can see that her head is turned away as she enters the screen, then she turns to face the other way near the centre.

I think the biggest problem is actually the beginning. There's not a lot of space to play with as she enters the screen, so the head turn is a bit too quick. Perhaps we could try removing the complete head turn as she enters, and maybe just have her turn her head to face forward towards the end as she exits the screen? It might give the same effect — and I could also alter her expression, as suggested, to look more confused or irritated. Would that work?

Sorry if this makes no sense... my blog posts are getting far less coherent these days :P

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