Monday 2 April 2012

Scene 07 V1

Hey guys! Been amending the crow's walk cycle as according to Andy's feedback and I started putting it together in the scene file, so here's what I've got so far...

It's still pretty basic and there are still a lot of problems but I'm feeling pretty satisfied so far. Went through a horrible moment of panicking that I'd have to re-do it all...!

I've tried to fix the sliding foot issue and also made her lift her leg slightly higher so the toes don't drag along the ground like they did before. It's looking a bit better but I think the toes need to bend inward a little sooner as she lifts her leg — I dunno how well you can see it but they stay in the same position as she picks her leg up which looks a bit weird!

Andy also suggested making her steps a little smaller, and after careful consideration I decided not to. Smaller, more "skippy" steps would be more characteristic of something smaller, like a blackbird or sparrow — crows are hulking great things and they do have quite large, clunky steps. So I've decided to keep it this way... sorry Andy...!

He did suggest having the tail bob around a bit as she moves, which I definitely plan on doing now that the legs are mostly sorted.

Anyway, this is very clearly unfinished — some layering issues (she walks on top of the bushes) and I'd like to get some fancy-shmancy lighting effects going (like some sunbeams or something) just to give it a little more depth. Oh, and the crow's head needs to look around of course... just figured I'd show you all so far so's you don't think I'm being a lazy bugger :]

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