Tuesday 17 April 2012

Scene 07 V11, V12 & V13

Andy gave me some feedback regarding the crow's walk cycle today — he pointed out that it looked a bit weird with the crow's head turned fully away from the camera like that, almost like I'd forgotten to draw the beak! I totally agree with him and it was something I'd kept thinking about all the while I was making it.

He suggested having the crow looking slightly upwards as she entered, so you could still see the beak, then have her turn her head around and downwards. I had a quick go at knocking some alternatives together so have a look and let me know what you think.

I did encounter some slight problems with having her look upwards as she entered. The head kept breaking away from the neck and rotating it so far up caused the head bobbing to look really freakin' weird so I've done my best with it. I'm sure there are things I can do to fix it up, so this is just to give you an idea...

I also did a few versions with her simply facing slightly more towards the camera... which kinda looks a bit better.


This one's recycled — she doesn't look into the air, as said above, she's just got her head turned slightly more towards us.


Slight variation on the above, but with a slightly more turned away head. I think the head looks a bit weird on this one, but I think it's just the crappy way I drew it...!


Mm, I don't know about this one. I had difficulty keeping it properly aligned with the neck — the head's got some position keyframes on it and pushing those forward so that it sits in line with the neck caused it to be a bit jerky. I think it looks a bit peculiar.

I don't really know what to do about it at this stage — I've been staring at it so long I've gone a bit blind!!

I did have another thought — I think maybe I misunderstood Andy — maybe he meant keep using the backwards-facing head but simply attach a beak poking out of it, pointing slightly into the air? I'll give it a go and see how it looks!

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