Friday 13 April 2012

[Scene 15] Picking Insect v1

This is the first time I've used Jae's puppets! Good work you did there ^^

Unluckily there was a problem I immediately encountered and that was the size of the puppet. Unfortunately it was a tad too small for the widescreen on After Effects and I had to scale it up so that's why it looks a bit blurry on the edges etc. Despite this I still wanted to try my hand at it :]

I think the timings are not exactly the same as they are on the animatic here. This is because I had to keep the quick tempos of the flinch and such, and still keep it to the duration. The animatic changes are quite jumpy with no inbetweens so that's why I messed with the timings a bit. Only to make it work though, I hope I didn't change it too much ^^;

I might make the beginning a millisecond longer before the crow approaches. I think it might be a bit too quick at the start there but I'm not too sure, everyone please tell me you're opinion :]

Also the part when the scarecrow fully opens his eyes again, I want to change that a little bit too. Still keeping the hesitant opening of the eyes but have him look up after they're fully opened. What do you guys think?


  1. Oh wow, great job with this one so far! I kept thinking about it, how it's actually quite a tricky scene, but you've pulled it off really nicely :] Especially the blinking of the eyes - very simply but effectively done. I never would have thought of doing it like that and would probably have done something ridiculously complicated and wasted lots of time XD The waving hair is a great touch!

    I would definitely have a bit more of a pause there just to cushion the scene a little bit. I'm also now feeling really bad about this particular crow puppet... Did I break it into pieces or is it one solid layer? I can't even remember...! If you'd like me to split it up for you so you can do a bit more with her please let me know! Sorry, it must have totally slipped my mind...!

    I actually really like the eyes how they are but by all means try messing around with the timing, I'm having difficulty picturing what you mean (my brain is frazzled...!) but I'd be interested to see how it looks.

    1. Maybe that's just the way I describe things. I just can't do it! I can't write it down, I can't even say what I mean and it's frustrating! D8 I'm not even kidding either.

      It's funny really, at fast I was making things too slow, and now I'm making them too fast. Again I'll take your advice on board because imagining it makes sense.

      No you did split the layers up :] Oop! That might mean it doesn't look like she's moving much. That's not a good sign ^^;
