Monday 9 April 2012

Scene 08 V2

Scene 08

Rough version of scene 08. I tried to add a little interest to her top-down walk cycle so that it better matched the previous scene. How's it looking so far?

Again, plenty of tweaks to make. I think her head turns a little too slowly (sorry about that, it was pretty tricky trying to figure out how to get her to do it...!) so I'll perhaps speed that up a bit. I tried to stick to the animatic timings as closely as possible but due to the difference in size on the layers between this one and the original, some things are a little off.

It looks to me as if the hang glider comes in a bit too quickly? I might give it a little longer before it comes in. Maybe slow it down a touch too.

The crow's shrinking pupils aren't terribly noticeable and are a bit messy (very fuzzy when they're at their biggest) but it was just something I was fooling around with. If you guys like the idea I'll clean it up a little :]

Sorry if this post makes no sense... it's early...!

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