Friday 13 April 2012

[Scene 10] v5

Okay I'm not too sure what to make of this version because I think personally it goes a bit too fast. I think a medium timing between this version and v4 would be a lot better. I mean in this one we can't even acknowledge she's there before she runs off, lol.

And I did make the jump higher you just can't see it ^^; Plus the flash vimeo makes for the loop just makes it worse.


  1. Looking good Jazzy! I actually think the speed of the run is working quite well - perhaps a little too fast, like you say, but only a tad.

    Looking at it, I think that the main thing might not be the speed of the run but rather the jump itself. It's very quick and there's not a great deal of time to read it. That might be why the scene feels too fast? It would probably mean changing from the original animatic timing slightly, but to be fair I don't think we tweaked it at all originally - too busy with other things (like the pesky hang glider :P)

    I would perhaps try extending the jump a little. Perhaps actually have her start on the ground, crouch to anticipate the jump, then pause slightly at the top of her jump and give her some sort of "freak out" (maybe frantically flap her wings) before she comes back down into the run. It might just ease the scene in a little more, give the audience time to register what they're seeing.

    Just a thought :] Looking great so far though!

    1. Goodness I hope that didn't sound too critical...!

    2. Great thoughts there Alex and I think you're right. I'll give it a shot ^^ It's critical but never in a negative way. At least that's not how I took it :] Thanks for your feedback
