Monday 9 April 2012

Scene 14 V2 & V3

Though this was a scene marked "easy" on our timetable, it took me an embarrassingly long time to get it right... mostly the silhouette puppet.

Scene 14

Version 2

I had some difficulty getting the speed and timings of various things right, most notably the "lunge" forward - the zoomy bit. I'm still not 100% sure on it — I decided to try that trick with the black and white flash frames again to try and give it a bit more "oomph," but I dunno. How's it looking so far?

Version 3

For some reason I've saved a V3 but it doesn't look much different. I know I must have changed it, otherwise I wouldn't have versioned it, but the only difference I see is that the sun moves slightly in this one. I'd like to get some sort of sun glare going and give the crow a bit of glow around the edges, to really emphasize that we're looking through the scarecrow's eyes — that the sun is really, really bright and the crow is just this huge black shape.

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