Saturday 21 April 2012

Scene 01 crow flying V8

Started making a start on the crow's flight cycle — although I know Jae hasn't completed the run cycle yet I thought it might be a good idea to start it in advance, just because it's a really tricky scene and it will allow more time for tweaking and refinement :]

I'll admit that I've been dreading it for quite some time (I'm sorry!) just because I imagined that it would be horrendously difficult and that I'd make a right pig's ear of it. I was pleasantly surprised, however — by no means easy but it wasn't quite as soul-destroying as I'd thought it would be. I did do a bit of a shoddy job though...

There are some glitches and timing issues with it of course — I really wish I could get the wings to hit the top of the upstroke a little more smoothly, but it's quite tricky with getting it to loop.

I don't think too many of the major issues will be terribly noticeable, bearing in mind that it won't actually be stationary on screen, it will be moving an awful lot at quite a high speed (with some cleverly placed motion blurring :P). I'd like to see it in action before I start making too many tweaks and refinements — learned that the hard way after the previous flight cycle...!

I'm thinking it might be quite nice to have the crow start lying 'flat' at the beginning of the cycle, then maybe rotate/swing her body forward as she flies into the camera? I might have to make a new puppet for that or we might be able to get away with simply rotating this one on a 3D axis... it might look really bad, though, so I'll have to do some playing around.

Oh, don't worry Jazzy, I'll look at adding the face once I've figured out all the movements and such ;]

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