Saturday 21 April 2012

Scene 07 crow wings

I'm working on coming up with some wings for the crow in the running scene to make them a little more like the ones on Jazzy's sideways run cycle. Not been having a great amount of success so far unfortunately — it's a really tricky angle to figure out! 

Even with the sketches Jazzy provided me (which I stuck in my sketchbook — hope you don't mind!!) and a whole host of imaginative brain power it's really difficult to get them right. Everything I've tried so far looks really awkward!

I've got a video sitting on my desktop of a dove flapping its wings from a sort of low-front angle, anad there are a few frames where the wings are pulled way back:

I sort of tried to do something similar with the crow, changing the direction of the tips slightly and using a little creative liberty to get something a little in tune with what we're after...

It's still really awkward looking and just a rough sort of sketch, but it gives you the gist of it. What do you guys reckon? Would something like this work? If you have any suggestions, tweaks or critique please lay it on me! Hopefully we can soon get this put to bed :]


  1. Just as long as it's noticeable that I'm the one who drew them ^^; but of course I don't mind :]
    It's a good study you've got going on here. I think if the wings will be wide spread they need to be more at her side otherwise it looks like she can easily thrown off balance while she's running. Maybe with the sketch you've already done set the anchor point at her shoulders and rotate them slightly outwards. That might work :]

    1. Haha! don't worry I wrote in big huge letters that you drew them :P REally sorry, I wasn't sure if I should initially, but I just thought they'd be easier for reference if they stayed in one place 8D;;

      I definitely agree. I'll probably make the feathers stick out a little more in the final one as well - they look a little spindly otherwise. But I'll keep playing around with it!

    2. No no I agree with you :] It'll show collaboration and teamwork nicely as well so I haven't got a problem with it ;P

      Yeah definitely keep playing around with it. If there's something bothering you about it then go with that instinct. It'll lead you right :]
