Saturday 21 April 2012

Scarecrow Run Cycle Test 3 (In Colour)

This is a colored scarecrow run I have done. Just bear in mind that I have enlarged the images yet so the last few frames may look a bit weird. I will do a final test run for the scarecrow as soon as possible.

This is the cycle bit which can be repeated as many times as you want just in case that we need to extend the whole running movement in the animation.

1 comment:

  1. This is looking much better now! Lovely to see it in colour :] The legs are looking good!

    I would suggest taking another look at the arms - they seem a little jerky, though it's hard to pinpoint exactly where the problem is. I think the right arm is actually looking pretty good it just has a bit of a sudden jerk downwards — maybe the arms need to be spaced out a little more evenly in each frame? There's quite a big gap between his right arm when it's at the top and when it comes back down, so maybe just alter it slightly so that they're a bit closer together in each frame, if that makes sense?

    Sorry, it's quite hard to describe this sort of thing! I can draw you a little diagram if it helps! XD;

    Otherwise it's looking good, you're doing a very nice job with it. Keep it up! :]
