Tuesday 10 April 2012

[Scene 10] Running Crow v1 & v2


Now I admit I was laughing so much when I was doing this scene. Before I go into it I'll mention first that I don't have the puppet for when the crow jumps in fright at the beginning. Sorry Alex, I'm not sure where that one is, I'll check again in the folder. No problem if you haven't done it yet ;]

I think it's one of the most awkward things in the world, or at least the world the scarecrow and crow are living in, to see a crow trying to RUN away :D The first thing instinct would tell them to do is fly away. However! I'm not letting that happen here.

She moves almost like a fast walk in these two versions. I can't imagine our crow being an Olympic Runner but I would like to try a longer stride. I'm just wondering if it will look better. Also I am fully aware that she needs to move faster. I don't think it looks like a "run" if she doesn't move faster.

The shadow underneath the crow is more solid than the ones I've seen in your sequences Alex, so I'll have to make sure they are feathered to fit the bill. I don't want little things like that to bother me while we watch the final thing ;P

Here I added some movement to her wings to get rid of any stillness when watching her run. I've realised that if she is to look more awkward, she really needs to struggle with her run. This is something that she has in common with the scarecrow. Neither of them are really born [or made in scarecrow's case] to run smoothly.

There was something I noticed earlier on about the transition from this sequence to the next. Here we see she has her wings out, whereas in the next scene they're folded at her sides. I think we might have to fiddle around with that if we want to keep the continuity going. Like have her wings slightly spread behind her in the next scene, or have them folded here. 

1 comment:

  1. This is hilarious Jazzy, I love what you've done with it! XD The movement of her little legs is spot on, looks brilliant so far - lots of character! I do agree that it perhaps needs to be a little faster but it does look great as-is and I think the current speed would work well if you decided to keep it.

    I agree with you on the wings, can't believe I didn't notice that before. Something we can discuss after Easter mayhaps?

    Maybe you could try adding a bit of up and down motion to the run — I don't know if it would work, but see how in the chase scene she sort of bobs up and down quite exagerratedly? You could almost try something similar here, as if she's trying to jump between each step? I don't know if that makes sense. It might not work but it could look quite funny. As if she's sort of throwing herself upwards and jumping to try and get away a bit faster.

    I will admit didn't actually make a puppet for where she jumps — I half wondered if we could somehow get away with using the same puppet rather than making a new one? If I were to draw a few heads of her looking behind her, into the sky, we could maybe tilt the body and legs of this same puppet to look like she's jumping? I don't mind either way, whatever you would prefer is A-ok with me ;] I'm certainly more than happy to draw you a puppet if you'd like one. Mega sorry!
