Thursday 12 April 2012

[Scene 03] Interior v1

Do NOT question my tactics! I am ze Light Master! D8

Ahem... onto a more serious note ^^; I thought I could explore and experiment more with the lights with this scene better than the others. Plus I was desperate to see what it would look like. I kept the colours around orange and red which made the whole scene warm. That was done purposely because I didn't want the set to look cold, otherwise the dartboard would express too much bitterness towards the crow. The scarecrow would seem like a obsessed maniac then. I giggle at the idea but all of that lead to the word  no.

I want to add more "Anti-Crow" objects in the background. Maybe have a VHS of "The Birds" in the bin or something X]


  1. This is glorious!! Absolutely LOVE the lighting and the photos on the dartboard! The window looks much better now too, as does the ceiling. The lightings adds a lot of depth to it. Really lovely work. :]

    The only thing I'm going to mention... and this is just me being picky... but how about maybe having the hills outside the window moving as well? Only slightly, very subtle, but if we're looking across the room then I think the scenery outside might appear to move as well. I might be wrong though — I was crap at science...!

    Lovely, though, as always. Really nice job!

  2. They are actually moving, maybe just too subtly ^^; I can increase the rate and have a look. Obviously we're working the same way with all layers, if it's further away, it won't appear to move much. However I will fish in those waters and see what I can catch!

    1. Ah! I did think they were but I wasn't watching full screen so I didn't notice. sorry, I'm stupid! XD
