Tuesday 17 April 2012

Scene 17 & 18 (1st Versions)

Hey guys here's the first versions of scenes 17 and 18. Calling them the first versions just in you guys wanna see some changes! :)

Scene 17

Scene 18


  1. Aww these a great first versions Sam :] I love the blink and smile for Scene 18, I didn't even think of that! That could work if it's hinting off the resolution between him and the crow.
    However there's something off-putting about it that's bothering me. I think it's the expression that needs to be changed. You've worked around the face brilliantly here, but I think he needs to hold another expression. Do you think you could play around with the face to have it more like the one he's holding in the animatic? Like moving the pupils more to the right, so he's actually looking 'at' the crow. At the moment he seems to be daydreaming ;P and having his mouth slightly open like in Scene 17. You can scale the pupil [making it more narrow] when you shift it right.

    Just play around with it on Photoshop :]

    I'm thinking about what Alex said to me before. He mentioned that we don't need to add the transitions into the actual After Effects files, we could just add them in Premiere Pro, or Final Cut. In other words, when we start editing it and putting it all together. So the fade out isn't needed. I had to remove the ones I did as well ^^; If Alex says otherwise, go for what he says :]

    One more thing about the pupil with the blink. Andy looked at my blink yesterday and said to me it would look better if we kept the pupil the same scale as he blinks. The only thing that would move in a blink are the 'eyelids'. So try making a Mask over the eye in After Effects and animate the scale of that instead. Or do it however you'd like to do it :]

    Sorry for the long drabble of a comment, but you've done great work so far Sam. Keep it up :]

    1. No no don't be sorry, thanks for the feedback! Now I know what needs changing so I can go and make those changes later on or tomorrow and re-upload them onto the blog :) Thanks for the feedback Jazz, just one quick question. Shall I use a similar blink to what yours does for both scenes or just scene 18?

    2. Just for scene 18. I don't think it's needed for Scene 17. It might be too much then :]
