Thursday 12 April 2012

[Scene 10] v4

You don't need to tell me, the jump is slow and the run is still slow. I do know :] I'm just putting this up to show the progress because I'm still looking around the keyframes at the moment, before I mess around with the timings. That should be fun because I need to make sure all of the corresponding frames are still in sync once I've tweaked them.

The jump is really bothering me because I would like her to go a bit higher but once I did that in the Pre-Comp layers her head disappeared LOL I think I'll try putting a keyframe in on the Pre-Comp with the backgrounds... it's a bit hard to explain what I'm trying to say here. I'll show you once I've tried it ^^;
You wouldn't believe how much my head hurt when setting key frames for the jump. Crow's of course don't naturally jump like that so it's denying the crow's biology for a second and I don't really think it works... I'm not entirely proud with it, I can tell you that much lol

The run is slightly different here than my previous because when I was walking home from the library yesterday, I saw a crow in the next field move really quickly like this:

I didn't have my camera with me regrettably, and even if I did I wouldn't have been able to get it all set up and start recording before he/she stopped ;P

However it was quite interesting for me to see that and I revised some key frames in my head from what I saw and immediately jotted them down on paper when I got home. 

If we decided to use this walk it would mean that, again, the next sequence would have to be tweaked. This continuity is a nightmare, eh?


  1. Oh my god I fell about laughing at the new run. It's absolutely perfect. Spot on! Funniest thing I've seen in a while. XD I much prefer it! Well done!

    Didn't think about the next sequence — that is a slight problem, I mean I can change it no problem, it's just a case of what would need to be altered. Would it just be a case of having both legs moving together in sync?

    It's a good thing you think about this continuity stuff... I'd never have noticed! (Or, I would, but I'd probably be too lazy to change anything and just hope that nobody noticed XD)

  2. Oh, and about the pre-comp thing — I had the same sort of issue with a lot of the things I was doing, I got around it by just changing the precomp size so it was a little taller! You could also have the head outside of the precomp and just animate the body, then have the head as its own precomp... then kind of attach it to the body precomp... if that makes any sense XD;; It's a bit convulted and I'm sure your idea is much more straightforward ;]

    1. I'll try both ideas, thank you Alex ^^

  3. How dare you comment while I'm tweaking my own comments on this?! D8 (Joke, I always go over my comments several times after posting before leaving it alone ;P)

    Both of the legs in sync would work I think, that would make more sense :] Her 'toes' were really fun to work with. Showing their flexibility really makes a large difference. Something so simple :D

    Y'know? I would be the same. But I can't! It's not allowed! D8
