Tuesday 17 April 2012

Scene 07 V14 & V15

Version 14

Okay, so this was a complete accident (don't ask — somehow when I parented the beak to the head it got flipped and pointed down instead of up...!) but I thought it looked kinda funny so I'm uploading it. I think it actually sort of works, haha. But yeah... needs some refinement to make the head turn a little smoother, but that's something I'd do if we decided to use it.

Version 15

Same deal, with the beak pointing upwards. I'm going to be really lame and say that I don't know how it looks.... I've started to go a bit blind towards this scene in all honesty... I think it's alright-ish?! I don't know! Ahhhhh

But yeah, if you guys could take a look at the versions here and in the previous post, then let me know which you prefer, I can look at further refining it and making it a bit smoother etc :]


  1. I've looked at the other versions in the previous post as well as this one and I think it would be easier to understand if I just said everything here ;P

    Seeing the beak at the beginning definitely makes more sense. It's a good introduction to her looking around so I'm happy you went with that :]

    My favourite is definitely version 15. I can see a big difference between this version and the earlier ones. The suggestion Andy made about her looking slightly upwards works a lot better than just equally leveled turns. It gives her a lot more life now the turns don't seem 'orderly'.

    Tell me if that doesn't make any sense ^^;

    The timing works great. She doesn't turn too quickly at the beginning and her second turn occurs perfectly. I don't think I can give any more criticism towards it, Alex. You've done a great job, well done :]

  2. Ermmmmm... You could... Maybe... Errr... Well this is awkward! No criticism mate seriously brilliant job! I agree with Jazz, version 15 looks brilliant (infact they all do but I really like 15 :P ) and if you wanna refine it more (Even though there's literally NOTHING! to refine) then I cant wait to see it! Great job Alex :)
