Thursday 12 April 2012

Scene 19 [flight cycle] V10

Version 10

More mucking around. I'm mostly happy with the wings — tried to have them fold back at the beginning of the upstroke, as seen here:

Hopefully it looks okay!

Slapped some quick body movement on there too — not quite right yet, I think the up and down might be a bit too exaggerated (especially in comparison to the head) and the leg just sort of flops about uselessly, but it serves to give an idea of how it will look in motion!

The legs aren't strictly anatomically correct but it was the closest I was able to get to something that looks acceptable but is also animatable. If we just drop the thigh and rotate the shin, she'll be able to perch quite happily on the scarecrow's arm! :]


  1. I think that is first class Alex. You've done an amazing job with the flight cycle and she looks amazing. I think she even approves due to that neverending smile she bears X]

    If I had to say something about it, maybe you could make the upstroke move in an Arc path. At the moment it seems quite straight so an arc might seem more like natural movement. I remember either Ron or Andy saying that life never moves in a straight line, it always works in curves. It was probably both who said it actually ;P However, it's quite a minor change and we'd probably get away with not doing much else to it. But it's something to say nonetheless ^^

    You've been working very hard on this Alex, I'm very impressed, well done :]

    1. Ohhh, I see what you mean! I'll have to see what I can do about that - unfortunately the weird combination of techniques I used to make this put some limits as to what direction the keyframes can travel in but I'll have a mess around and see if I can tweak it at all! :] Thanks a lot!

    2. I've got a couple of situations like that. Something is so complicated that the littlest tweak changes EVERYTHING! D8
