Tuesday 10 April 2012

[Scene 09] Peering Hang Glider v1

I think for this version I might make a different hang glider because here we're looking at the wrong side. It's off because we see the 'head' of the hawk which the audience will recognise from the previous scene, therefore question it.

I wanted to make this scene really dramatic and again used the Light Layer to help me do that. I have the same problem here like I did with the Barn Door, there's a darkening outer rim at the edges of the screen. I can avoid this by intensifying the light more but then it's way too bright. I don't know what else I can do to avoid this, but I would like to play around with the lighting more. See if there are any other options for lighting. In fact now that the library is open again I might get out an After Effects book [if there are any available ;P]

1 comment:

  1. Looking nice so far, see what you mean about the hang glider though. You could get away with making the hang glider pitch black but I actually really like what you've done and made it so you can only subtly see the details. Really nice touch!

    The lighting's looking good but I'm not really reading it as "sun-y", if that makes sense...! I think it might be the colour somehow? The sky is quite teal, which I'm guessing is as a result of the lighting effects. Perhaps if we could find a way to make it more blue in hue? Giving the sun a very slight warmer tone might also help, perhaps just a subtle red or yellow tinge around the edges? There are some nice "colour correction" effects within AE that can help you do that — I think Tri-Tone or Tint would be a good one to play around with.

    Just looking at some images on Google of similar sort of shots (minus the hang glider!) as a reference:



    You can sort of see they aren't perfectly spherical, sort of blooming with rays or a "burst" sort of shape. Sort of gives the impression that we're squinting or that the light is distorted by the lens — there might be an effect you could try to get a similar thing, just to see how it looks? :]

    Hope that didn't sound too critical!! I don't know if any of those suggestions will help at all or if they will look right, just some things to maybe play around with? :]
