Sunday 22 April 2012

Scene 11 V11 — V13

Hey guys!

Following my previous post here're the first few attempts at getting those wings onto the crow. I'm afraid that, even though it's a relatively simple thing, it's actually been causing me some problems. I don't know if it's just where I'm so tired but I'm just having trouble trying to figure out exactly what they should be doing...

Version 11

First attempt — not too sure, it just seems really off to me. I think it might be because the shoulders seem too static — also, perhaps I got the movement of the wings the wrong way around? they sort of flex upwards as her body rises which I don't think makes too much sense... they should probably flex up as she drops to the ground, where the wind resistance pulls them upwards. Or something...

Version 12

Same sort of thing, only now the wings are slightly spread which might look a little better. I definitely need to limber up those shoulders a bit. Again, some problem — think the wings are backwards — they flex outwards as she rises up rather than the other way around.

Version 13

Sort of a combination — tried to speed up the wings a little to make them slightly more frantic and got them to sort of bend backwards/downwards as she rises. I think it makes more sense but it still looks REALLY weird to me — something about the wings just doesn't match up with the whole scene. Maybe it's where I've been staring at it so long but it just seems really hard to watch? Seems to be a lot going on — maybe with the wings it's just too "busy"?

I'll keep playing around with it a little, but any critique or thoughts are more than welcome... as always :]


  1. My favourite is version 12 because the wings are nicely spread and the movement looks like it's being caused the awkward running legs. Like she's trying to hold them still but to no prevail ^^;

    Though looking at these wings I still think they need to more widespread because at the moment it looks like her wingspan has shrunk. I'm starting to think maybe the wings aren't needed because there's something about it that's making me doubt. Whenever that happens I linger back to previous ideas ^^; Sorry about that

    1. No, you're totally right — I do think they'd probably look a little better if they were further outstretched but like I said, that may cause problems when it comes to the scarecrow.. I can certainly give it a shot if you'd like me to, though!

      I also agree with your second point. These wings just don't seem to be working — they look really awkward, and I'm wondering if it's worth it for the sake of continuity?

      I think it's worth considering going back to the other wings (by her side), but it's totally your call! :] What would you like me to do?

    2. I don't think it'll cause too much trouble for the scarecrow. Try it anyway and we'll see how it looks :]
